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Avmor Leminee Disinfectant 4L

Avmor Leminee Disinfectant 4L

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LEMINEE 23 Cleaner Disinfectant is a one-step NPE free formulation for use in healthcare and educational environments, food service establishments and other institutional areas. It is effective as a disinfectant, deodorizer as well as a cleaner.

When used as directed, it is effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium.

To be used on surfaces including floors, walls, tables, chairs, counters, sink tops, garbage pails, rest rooms, bed pans, bed frames and other non porous hard surfaces.

LEMINEE 23 Cleaner Disinfectant is very effective for controlling odours caused by the growth of bacteria. Its fresh lemon fragrance will deodorize areas that are hard to keep fresh such as garbage storage areas, empty garbage bins and cans, basements, restrooms and other areas prone to odour caused by microorganisms.

Safety Data Sheet